Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sprint vs Marathon

When I was 16 I could out pace Usain Bolt at the 200 meter sprint. It was 1990 and Usain "Lightning" Bolt was 5 at the time, but I think it still counts.

While Usain in widely known as the fastest man on the planet he is no Dean Karnazes. At the age of 42 Dean ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days. He completed the NYC Marathon on the last day with a time of 3 hours and 30 seconds. I have no doubt that Usain can best Dean in the 200 meter, but Dean would beat Usain at the 560 kilometer (which he completed in 2005 in 80 hours and 44 minutes with no sleep). 

The point is that there are different modes in running, the sprint and the marathon. BJJ is no different. Last night I had the opportunity to roll with both extremes. First was BlueBelt (bb), bb was a sprinter. Before I had even began to think about how I was going to defend, bb was already all over me tugging at my extremities and trying to manhandle me into where he wanted me to be. I did the best I could to protect myself but I was quickly sub'd (submitted) several times. His attacks were quick and brutal. As soon as bb felt that one line of attack wasn't working for him he would either try to muscle it through or move to another line just as quickly. It was a sprint that I had no chance of winning. 

Later I rolled with BrownBelt (BB). BB was patient, at no point did it seem like BB ever really exerted himself. Every movement was precise and only exactly what was needed to do the intended job. BB allowed me to explore attack options but never let me close the deal. I never felt like there was a time that he was not in control, when I passed his guard and took side control it was because he let me, he resisted, but not so much that I wouldn't be able to progress. This was a marathon that I still had no chance of winning, but I didn't feel my efforts were wasted. 

Now I am not suggesting that a sprinter is not as good as marathoner or even the other way around. Let's face it when I say Usain Bolt, you know whom I am talking about, when I say Dean Karnazes I get blank stares. Sprinting is flashy and exciting to watch. I see very proficient BJJ practitioners that are sprinters.  What I don't see is very many older BJJ practitioners that are sprinters.

Sprinting is a young person's game, and marathons are the long game. 

I want to play the long game. 

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